Self Catering Accommodation
We have 3 Self Catering Cottages situated within the grounds of the hotel. Staying in one of these cottages also allows you to gain full access to the hotels facilities at all times during your stay.
We have 3 Self Catering Cottages situated within the grounds of the hotel. Staying in one of these cottages also allows you to gain full access to the hotels facilities at all times during your stay.
Our Stable Cottage features 3 super-king bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a self catering kitchen along with your own relaxing lounge area. Ideal for a family or a large group looking for somewhere luxurious to stay in Cullen.
Our 4 bedroom self-catering cottage is situated at the rear of the hotel. This spacious cottage has 3 double bedrooms, 1 single bedroom, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen/dining area along with a living area. You have full access to all areas of the hotel including our all dining areas for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner along with access to our Findlater Lounge.
SELF CATERING COTTAGE WITH HOT TUB (hot tub available for direct bookings only) **terms & conditions apply
Our 4 bedroom self catering Kings Cottage is situated within the hotel grounds.
This design led spacious cottage has 4 double bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a kitchen/dining area along with a spacious living area. You have full access to all dining areas within our hotel for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and Findlater Lounge.